Collective agreements on work-life balance issues
External practiceDuration
Signed in 2018.
Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori - Scuola (CISL-Scuola, CISL-S), Federazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza CGIL (FLC-CGIL), Federazione UILSCUOLA RUA (UILSCUOLA) and Ministry of Education (ARAN).
Reason it was developed
There was a need to improve working conditions and reduce work-life balance conflict.
In order to improve work-life balance, well-being, mental health, and leisure time, CISL Scuola's integrated these concerns in the negotiations on the latest collective agreement in the sector. Likewise, a collective agreement on the right to disconnect has recently been introduced, which stipulates that social partners at school level must engage in complementary bargaining with a view to establishing criteria regarding the use of ICT outside of work hours to ensure a better work-life balance. Special paid-leave and mobility provisions have been introduced to support victims of violence. Moreover, FLCCGIL, CISL-Scuola and UIL-Scuola are actively lobbying for higher salaries which are closer to the European average in a bid to close the pay gap between the education sector and other industries and obtain higher salaries for the predominantly-female teaching force.
Right to disconnect to reduce burn-out and work-related stress.