Internal practice
Inclusion in schools/education institutes Gender pay and pension gap Work-life balance Vertical segregation in the teaching profession Gender-based violence and harassment Gender-based discrimination Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and harassment Safe and healthy working environment for LGBTI teachers, academics, and other education personnel Inclusion of LGBTI members in trade union work Inclusion of students with special needs Inclusion of teachers, academics, and other education personnel with special needs Xenophobia, racism and prejudices Cultural and social attitudes Targeted support for students from migrant/refugee background and ethnic minority groups Understanding socio-economic disadvantage Supporting students from a disadvantaged socio-economic background
Programme (e.g. nation-wide) Initial and continuous professional development of teachers, academics and other education personnel Dissemination of data Exchanging good practices within trade union/with other actors Trade union actions (e.g. demonstration, strike) Gender equality/equality structure within trade union Legal counselling and/or legal representation of trade union’s members