Parental leave

External practice
OAJ's webpage on parental leave:
OAJ's webpage on parental leave:




With the confederation, with the government.

Reason it was developed

OAJ is the only labour market organization in Finland that protects the interests of education, training and research sector professionals from early childhood education to adult education and training. OAJ is a professional advocate for its members and a key influencer of education policy. In education policy it tries to influence policy makers. In working life issues and labour market policies they influence more through the Akava confederation. Teachers use long parental leaves which are already generous in Finland and there is a long tradition for such use. Teachers stand for equality in working life and in parentage.


The union reflected on the types of model of parental leaves which would be good for its members. The union has attempted to have influence in Akava’s goals and also through its own lobbying of the government. The union campaigned and lobbied for: • Quotas; • Longer allowances and shorter home care assistance; • More children in early childhood education. Children’s right to quality early childhood education is something that none of the other organisations would have brought to discussion than the union. Now it is an obvious part of the ”package.” OAJ is promoting it together with Akava during government formation talks.


The government’s 2018 parental leave reform failed, probably the next government will start a new reform. The union will campaign to influence the next stage of reform.


Funded from internal union funds.


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