Rainbow Friday
Internal practice
Reason it was developed
For many months, the ruling party in Poland has been intensifying attacks on LGBTQ people and officially presenting its anti-feminist and homophobic views. A manifestation of these views was the appointment of a new minister of education, science and higher education – Przemysław Czarnek – in October this year. His attitude also supports the actions of ultra-Catholic and fundamentalist education superintendents. Some of them openly support homophobic campaigns and forbid organizing activities at school to promote tolerance and counteracting discrimination. "Let's protect families from this sort of degeneration, corruption, absolutely immoral conduct, let's protect ourselves from the LGBT ideology and let's stop listening to this nonsense about some human rights or some equality. These people aren't equal to normal people and let's end this discussion" - said PiS member Przemysław Czarnek on June 13 in public television TVP Info. He also said at the time: "Let's quit discussing these LGBT abominations, homosexuality, bisexuality, equality parades. Let's protect family, as lack of protection for family leads to what you can see for yourselves." Speaking these words, Czarnek reached for his phone and showed a picture of a group of people. "These people are from downtown Los Angeles, it's from June last year. I was there in delegation, and it so happened there was a so-called gay pride" - he added. "We are in early stages and we don't have such things at home yet, but such individuals parade unashamedly through the streets of the Western city of Los Angeles" - he continued. According to Czarnek, "that's where Europe is heading, that's where Poland is heading". https://tvn24.pl/tvn24-news-in-english/nonsense-about-some-human-rights-meet-polands-new-education-minister-4708056
In official statements, the ZNP protested against such actions. Voice of the Teacher - the ZNP weekly report regularly informs about the situation. As part of the so-called Rainbow Friday we encouraged teachers to use lesson scenarios prepared by eminent scientists and intellectuals. This information was also published on FB and twitter. Lesson scenarios in various subjects for secondary school students were for download on the homepage of Teachers’ Voice. Our journalists wrote: “Let us recall that on October 30, once again at the initiative of the Campaign Against Homophobia, the so-called Rainbow Friday - solidarity campaign with LGBT students. This year, the action moves online. As part of it, at. 12:00 - anti-discrimination lesson entitled “Wounded - hurt, wronged - hurt. How not to be discriminated against "will be conducted by Przemek Staroń, Teacher of the Year 2018 (ZNP’s award). The so-called Rainbow Friday aims to show LGBT youth that they are accepted and need not fear coming out in the school environment.” https://www.teczowelekcje.pl/
We receive interesting material also for teachers’ training in our Acadamy for Young Unions’ Members.
- Proposal of classes on LGBTI rights
- Polish teachers’ open letter to protest against the wave of hatred against LGBTI people
- Krakow teachers defend LGBTI people
- Appeal to school principals, teachers and parents
- ZNP call against intimidation of teachers, school leaders and education staff on LGBTI rights
- ZNP statement