Calendar women's time, women in time
Internal practice
Reason it was developed
Is a co-educational material, in which we make women visible in history and their contributions to human development. Every year we dedicate it to a different theme and we look for women who stand out in it. In such a way that in each month of the year we make three women visible. Every day of the year we highlight an event that refers to women and their struggles. In 2020 the theme is women in music, which are taken to the classrooms of the Spanish state. It is also translated into co-official languages.
The calendar develops activities for all sections of the educational system.
The intention is to provide materials to teachers so that they can work on co-education in the classroom. We started with a print run of 12,000 calendars in 2005 and in 2020 the print run is 45,000 calendars. More and more schools are using this material.
Self-funded by the trade union.