Collective agreements on reduced hours, parental leave, maternity leave, the right to disconnect, the right to breastfeed at work, and the right to leave to take care of ill relatives
External practice
Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) in negotiation with Ministry of Education.
Reason it was developed
High level of work-life balance conflicts for teachers with caring responsibilities.
Work-life balance measures have been included in different collective and sectoral agreements.
Female teachers in Malta can work on reduced hours until their children are 12 years old. They are also entitled to one year’s parental leave per child and a career break of up to 5 years until the child is 10 years old. Maternity leave which falls during the month of August is now being compensated and the principle based on the “right to disconnect’ was introduced in the latest sectoral agreement for teaching grades in 2017. As a result of the work of MUT breastfeeding is now being done in schools. MUT is also currently pursuing proposals in social dialogue which would allow parents to use part of their leave to take care of sick family members.
Government as a result of collective agreements.