Diversité au sein du syndicat et du personnel éducatif

Pratique interne


en cours


Internal and external 1)to recruit more widely to positions in the union on all levels 2) and to work towards teacher education institutions on inclusion of teachers with diverse backgrounds, involving retired teachers and unionists as mentors for the teacher students

Raison pour laquelle il a été développé

Migration impacts the education system and the labour market. Union of Education Norway should be a driving force in safeguarding the rights of newly arrived migrant children, young people and adults in the education system. It is also important to society that teachers with qualifications from their home country are able to practise their profession in Norway. Teachers with a multicultural background have experiences that are useful to the union in terms of developing both organisational policy and education policy.


1) Élaboration d'un cours de formation pour les militant·e·s syndicaux·cales à tous les niveaux du syndicat 2) Formation d'étudiant·e·s ayant des antécédents divers dans le travail syndical et l'importance du dialogue social dans la société norvégienne


Les futur·e·s enseignant·e·s et les enseignant·e·s et syndicalistes retraité·e·s trouvent leur collaboration fructueuse. Les étudiant·e·s apprennent des retraité·e·s des choses qui sont rarement enseignées.


Financée par le syndicat


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