Education for refugees
Internal practice
Inclusion in schools/education institutes, Inclusion in trade unions, Inclusion in emergency situations (e.g. COVID 19, environmental disasters, etc.), Work-life balance, Gender equality in decision-making positions in education trade union, Gender equality linked to wider societal issues (e.g. ageing, migration, political situation, religion), Gender stereotypes, Inclusion of students with special needs, Inclusion of teachers, academics, and other education personnel with special needs, Inclusion of members with special needs in trade union work, Cultural and social attitudes, Integration of culturally sensitive content in curricula, Support for education in refugee reception centres, Supporting students from a disadvantaged socio-economic background
Support (material and/or financial) to facilitate access to quality education, Cooperation with other stakeholders (e.g. families, social services), Social dialogue negotiations on the institutional level, Social dialogue negotiations on the national level, Monitoring the implementation of provisions on gender equality in collective agreements, Gender equality/equality structure within trade union, Lobbying education authorities
Secondary education, Vocational education and training
Teachers/trainers, Trade Union members, Students/learners, Education employers