Education during a pandemic
Internal practice
Inclusion in emergency situations (e.g. COVID 19, environmental disasters, etc.), Inclusion of students with special needs, Inclusion of members from migrant/refugee background and ethnic minority groups in trade union work, Support for education in refugee reception centres, Supporting students from a disadvantaged socio-economic background
Initial and continuous professional development of teachers, academics and other education personnel, Publication, Digital tools (e.g. e-learning platform, MOOC, website), Support (material and/or financial) to facilitate access to quality education, Dissemination of data, Cooperation with other stakeholders (e.g. families, social services), Social dialogue negotiations on the institutional level, Social dialogue negotiations on the regional level, Social dialogue negotiations on the national level, Trade union actions (e.g. demonstration, strike), Equality strategy/action plan, Lobbying education authorities
Early-childhood/Pre-primary education, Primary education, Secondary education, Vocational education and training, Higher education
Teachers/trainers, School leaders, Trade Union members, Parents/carers/families, Education employers, Stakeholders